Can’t be TRUSTED !

I have a friend that I consider a sister even a best friend. i’ll tell her everything when me and my husband have arguments day to day issues . We literally talk everyday ABOUT EVERYTHING ! My husband has this one friend let’s call him James that my friend let’s call her Sarah is also cool with I found out from my husband that whenever I tell Sarah stuff she goes back to tell James and James goes back and tells my husband. I didn’t take it serious because I didn’t want to rock the boat between Sarah and I so I continued to tell her stuff until something hurtful I said got back to my husband . I confronted her about it and she admitted it but did it take any accountability she tried to put it on James and say “ why would he tell my husband” She has been ignoring me since the confrontation it’s been a week and no contact from her.

1: should I not have confined to her my family business ?

2: is this friendship worth salvaging ?

3:why do you think she is ignoring me ?