Family pushing me to go into the military.
I 21f am married and own my own home but have recently be struggling financially, big time. My family knows about this and I come from a back ground of military men in my family…but frankly I don’t know if I have what it takes to serve and I’ve felt this way ever since I was young. My dad knows the benefits are good and would help a lot and I know the bonus are nice and all…and I’ve milled it over in my head night after night…money would be fantastic but with the state of the world right know I don’t think I can do it and my wife is scared shitless of me being sent off to a different country to fight in a war our government waged, and frankly I am too. I also live a very alternate life style with tattoos and piercings galore, and I’m not sure I’d be willing to sacrifice that part of myself either…Iv always strived to be this way. I want to go to school for either psychology or I want to get into a tech school to become an automotive mechanic/auto body and I know the military would help to jump start that as well…but even just 4 years in the military feels like it’d be too much especially with who will be running the country for those 4 years…
Former service members please help me out here, give me advice, tell me what your time in the military was like, what can I expect. Thank you all in advance