I gave my baby daughter herpes (HSV-1) by kissing the top of her head. AMA
My daughter was 6.5 weeks old when I gave a single light kiss on her full head of hair around the top of her skull. I had a cold sore at the time but was unaware that the virus could cause infection through healthy skin at sites away from the mouth, nipples, and genitals. I was also largely unaware of the possible consequences HSV could have on infants or those who are immune compromised.
That single kiss resulted in our baby being in the children's emergency room for a minimum of 1 week while they provided acyclovir antiviral through an IV and no one knowing whether we would be able to take our daughter home at the end of our stay or whether there could be any permanent disabilities as a result. It was an extremely stressful and traumatic moment for our family. But our daughter is now 16 months old, thriving, and happy. I think she really started to brighten and cheer-up about midway through her treatment and has remained very bright.
We are extremely grateful for the treatment that the hospital, doctors, and nurses were able to provide. It is and was extremely scary and horrible to think about what could have happened to our daughter if the treatment was not effective.
There is a significant chance our daughter could have died or received lifelong disabilities such as blindness or brain damage if treatment was not provided, if it was provided too late, or if it was ineffective.