Am I The Asshole?

Basically I’m a 16 year old who loves music I was currently making my album for my buildup after some good songs so it took around 2 months to get everything (the beats,the features,the lyrics,etc. my girlfriend called at the moment,since I was still working on the music I clearly said “please don’t call me I’m working on music baby” so around when I was about to finish she decided to FaceTime me and the banner got in my way and since I was typing on my computer once I denied it my tabs closed out and everything. As I panicked to open it,everything was gone the beats,the lyrics,the features, I started to cry cause how hard I worked on it I was clearly upset but pissed at the same time so I texted her saying what happened and she was like “it’s your fault your putting music over me” and “it wasn’t gonna get notice anyway.” Just wanted to know who’s the asshole me or her?