Gamers of r/ADHD, what video games do you feel like are more difficult because of your ADHD symptoms?

Basically the title.

For the most part I feel like ADHD actually has helped me be above average in most games but there are some exceptions.

Currently I'm playing Don't Starve Together again with my partner (we've played it a long time off and on and we love it)

Now I actually kind of consider myself pretty good at dst because I'm good at putting out fires constantly.

Buuuut, my terribleness at planning ahead for sure leads to more fires in general happening.

I feel like we will have a goal of (ok we definitely are going to explore the caves and do bosses this time check out new content)

Flash forward A few hours and we are just gleefully working on our own personal fires whether it's coldness, sanity, the sudden urge to put carpet down all over base. Etc...

Basically it feels like a distraction simulator. It is so damn fun tho even if I don't achieve that initial gameplay goal, but I can't help but wonder what other games feel like make their ADHD symptoms super apprerant.

TLDR Don't starve together for me is one of my favorite games but also it is incredibly difficult for me to complete long term goals in game like taming beefalo, exploring and doing endgame stuff, etc..

Let me hear your stories!