Enchantment/Mind Control Focused Character?

Hey all, new to this subreddit. I don't use reddit much but I wanted to ask for some help!

I wanna play an enchantment focused character whose primary schtickis charming/dominating people both in and out of combat. I also want them to be a theatrical performer type character. As such, I figured I would do Bard with College of Glamour (I considered Lore, but I like the flavor of Glamour better for this concept).

That said, I'm considering multiclassing into sorcerer for metamagic options (particularly subtle spell and maybe twin spell). I was thinking I would do shadow sorcerer since it's the subclass that would fit best thematically, but the main appeal of that is being able to use the Hound of Ill Omen to impose disadvantage on saving throws vs save-or-suck spells. I'm not sure how to divide my levels between bard and sorcerer. I don't know how badly I would need 9th level spells for this build, and I don't know how many sorcerer points I would need to make things work out well. Basically, there are lots of features from both Bard and Sorcerer that I think would lend themselves well to this concept, but I'm not sure how to divide them.

I also considered multiclassing into GOOlock, but I already am playing two other warlocks right now, and I just am not that interested in it. Didn't consider Enchantment Wizard because I don't want to need both CHA and INT. If you have any other ideas besides bard/sorcerer, I'd be interested to hear them. Otherwise, if you have any advice for a Charm/Dominate/Enchantment build overall, please let me know! I'm open to hearing just about anything.

tl;dr : looking for advice for an enchantment focused bard/sorcerer (with the potential for other options too)