$50 Thrift Find
I live in Southern Utah and while shopping at a local deseret industries thrift shop I stumbled across an Ender 3. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to swoop it up. Plugged it in and it turned on, even better. Even came with an extra motor. Took it home, It was missing screws for the motherboard cover and was filthy. Took an air compressor, got it cleaned up, found some extra PC screws that happened to fit and updated the firmware. I cleaned and leveled the bed and after a few tries of leveling finally got the first layer to stick. I wanted to immediately put it through its paces and tried printing benchy. It actually worked first try after getting the first layer to stick and turned out way better than I thought it would, still needs some tweaks, no complaints here, especially with all the upgrades it has.