Missing my daughter's first birthday, in the hospital for labor.
Alone in the hospital, hubby is with baby (which I am thankful for) but was admitted here yesterday only 34+5 for labor contractions and dilation. We are trying to prolong baby's birth for his lungs and all but what will happen will happen.
But I'm having such extreme guilt I cant rest or relax because tomorrow is also my daughter's first birthday. I never thought I'd already be in the hospital for labor on her birthday. They could potentially even share a birthday. (But hoping they don't).
I cried like a sobbing big baby watching her on the nanny cam all night wanting to hold her. Thinking I made a mistake having another child. That all my love for her will need to be split and I won't be able to spend the kind of time one on one I adore with her. I know it's because I haven't met my son yet, the bond isn't there but I can't help this feeling. Did I make a mistake?
I'd love some positive words about your 2u2 to help me get through this difficult time. I'm just alone and in pain. ❤️